Fun facts about fly away home the movie
Fun facts about fly away home the movie

Robert Zemeckis admitted as much on Cast Away’s commentary: So what’s a director to do in order to maintain the studio’s faith in such a project? Make another movie, with the same crew, in the off-season. Tom Hanks Took A Year Between Shooting To Lose The WeightĬast Away had one pretty specific catch when it came to being made: it needed to shut down production for a year, so that Tom Hanks could lose the 50 pounds he put on for Chuck Nolan’s pre-island life, and turn into a tanned, svelte Fed-Ex stalwart. Imagine what would have happened if that incident took place during the production of a Star Wars film. …people did hear, and so the security department at the ranch showed up and said ‘What’s happening? Is somebody in danger?’ But nobody was in danger, we shooed them away, and continued our recording. This process was done at Skywalker Ranch, in an area that they thought wouldn’t arouse suspicion, and yet when it came to recording the scene where Tom Hanks yells “Help!” at the top of its lungs, it drew attention pretty quickly:

#Fun facts about fly away home the movie cracked#

The way that Thom and his crew cracked this challenge was that they’d record pristine audio in the studio, play it outside through a speaker, and re-record it to give it the right sound. Randy Thom’s commentary on working with the film’s soundscape eventually highlighted this fact by mention how the sound department wanted to simulate outdoor acoustics with studio recorded dialogue. Sound was a really crucial component to how Cast Away worked as a film, especially with the absence of a musical score. To crib some dialogue from another Robert Zemeckis classic, that’s pretty heavy.Ĭast Away’s Sound Department Almost Caused An Incident With Skywalker Ranch Security Screenplays are just endlessly rewritten, and endlessly rewritten. Which is the process that you go through when you make a movie. We did 125 rewrites, so there were like millions of changes, hundreds of thousands of them. Well, according to Zemeckis, that number was pretty big: You’re probably wondering how many drafts one would have to go through in order to get to that sort of point. Other interesting concepts that were revealed to be dumped, through director Robert Zemeckis and other speakers, were a vision of Kelly (Helen Hunt) in Chuck’s cave fire, and some other odds and ends. One in particular mentioned that that there was a draft of the film where Wilson was going to come to life and talk. If you haven’t listened to the director and crew commentary of Cast Away, you’re seriously missing out on some interesting facts. There's A Draft Of The Script Where Wilson Came To Life

Fun facts about fly away home the movie